SE Makinen logistics
Transport system
PDI and technical works
Car storage and terminal services
Administrative services
Open positions
Offices and sites
Management systems
We develop information systems and procedures for the automotive logistics. The real time data structures allow the transport coordinators to concentrate on load planning and process optimisation.
The data system communicates instantly the plans for car transport trucks operating in different areas and any changes to them and their work orders and guidelines. In addition, the dimensions and loading and delivery predictions of vehicles in transit are updated after each work stage and reported to customers and others within the delivery chain.
During the process, the initially fairly straight forward transport orders quickly become more complicated loadings which are linked to each other. The overall efficiency of these loadings determines the quality and cost-efficiency of the achieved service, which is naturally of great interest to our customers as well.
Transport technology
Vehicle transports require articulated vehicles with special super structures onto which different vehicle models can be efficiently loaded. In addition to the general efficiency objective, transportation is also regulated by car manufacturers' requirements for loading and transport angle, vehicle tying and safety margins. Well-designed car transport trucks enable various different loading arrangements, meaning that various vehicle mixes can be loaded in the order of delivery. The carriers we use in Finland are almost without exception designed and manufactured in Finland.
In designing efficient platform and trailer structures, we study and optimise the structure’s load capacity with the help of different load profiles. We utilise load indexes based on the vehicles’ size and shape in our analysis; this enables us to compare loads made using different units. Load profiles vary from area to area because of the brand’s different model selections and, above all, the concentration of lorry and van transportation in certain market areas. Due to this, we always develop a few parallel structure types when new platforms and trailers are designed and optimised for slightly different transportation load profiles.
As a result of the transport carrier development work, we can offer our clients the most efficiently utilised transport capacity on the market.